Statuesque Buffalo:
Secrets about our amazing city
as told by our monuments, landmarks and public art
By Dr. Mark D. Donnelly
Buffalo’s history is brimming with mystery and intrigue. It’s rife with mass graves, disappearing rocks, secret gardens, nude bathing, dancing genitalia, spontaneous explosions, decapitations, sidewalk floozies, and more.
The statues and public art that serve as sentinels in our neighborhoods have the skinny. And they’re about to spill the beans.
Statuesque Buffalo is packed with often forgotten local history, filtered through the slightly off-bubble humor of author, photographer, and Buffalo civic cheerleader Dr. Mark Donnelly. It’s written to amplify our connections to the past, open our eyes to the countless treasures that surround us, and to get a good laugh while learning.
Statuesque Buffalo
- Statuesque Buffalo
Secrets about our amazing city
as told by our monuments, landmarks and public art
By Dr. Mark D. Donnelly
112 pages
8.5 x 8.5” Paperback