The Worm Doctor
Written & Illustrated by Mark Donnelly, Ph.D.
The Worm Doctor is a story about a young girl named Andrea, a big-hearted, pre-pre-med student who cares for all creatures big, small, and very small.
See how she gets her start by treating the only patients that will stay in place long enough to be cared for - bugs.
Dr. Mark Donnelly is an artist, an educator, a passionate community activist, and a very proud father of four
absolutely amazing children.
Mark’s daughter, Dr. Andrea Donnelly-Kudel, actually
did study very hard in school and is now taking care of people while working on her hospital residency.
She would like everyone to know that while this story does contain a couple of real facts, the rest is merely a product of her dad’s over active imagination.
The Worm Doctor
- By Dr. Mark D. Donnelly
36 pages
8.5" x 11” Paperback